Sammie and her roomie Ainsley had a rough week and decided they could pamper each other to unwind. They slipped into some sexy bikinis and were about to sunbathe just before the sun went down but they could not resist seeing each other practically naked. A couple feisty glances and some flirtatious touching and they abandoned any notion of sunbathing. They devoured each other in front of a gorgeous backdrop. Ainsley became her sexy, little sex slave. She kneeled down in front off Sammie and licked her tight, wet pussy. Sammie returned the favor by bringing out a hefty, pink, two headed dildo and slowly sinking it into her seductive, succulent slit. Things reached a fever pitch when they both pleasured each other by backing up their hot heinies right into both sides of the two headed dildo and slammed their beautiful butts together.
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